Nolite te bastardes carborundorum—or, in plain terms, don’t let the bastards grind you down. This Girl Power care package is for the badass who just got passed over for a promotion, endured a marathon of mansplaining, or got ghosted by yet another mediocre date. The odds may be stacked, but we lift each other up. A little self-care, a lot of strength—because resilience looks damn good on us.
Badass Babe Tea | ModestMix - organic loose leaf tea blend for a Badass Babe.
Beeswax Lip Balm | Trubee - All natural beeswax lip balm with a peppermint zing.
*Body Butter - Mango | NCLA Beauty - Ultra-hydrating, velvety soft body butter made with all-natural ingredients.
Motherfucking Girl Power | Blue Q - Sassy, pretty and a little twisted. Woven with luxurious combed cotton. Fits women's shoe size 5-10.
Wildflower Bath Bomb | Latika - geranium rose and sweet orange bath bomb made with 100% pure essential oils.
Please note: the mango body butter is out of stock and will be replaced with the coconut vanilla body butter.