Our Partners
We’re only as good as our partners. That’s why we search high and low in a never-ending pursuit to partner with amazing brands that share our same values.
As a minority and women-owned small business, we prioritize those in the same boat, so if you’re supporting us, you’re supporting them too. Go underdogs!
Click on the filters below to find out more about our partners.
- Adriene Jenik
- Aesthete
- Alexandra Elle
- Alice Rose
- Amanda Davis
- Andrew Larsen
- Anecdote Candles
- Anne Marrow Lindbergh
- Annie Sklaver Orenstein
- Astor Chocolate Corp.
- Barbara Becker
- Becca Rae Tucker
- Bex Gunn
- blade + bloom
- Blue Q
- Blume
- Boobie
- Borvo Broth
- Box Builder
- Bravery Co.
- Brie Overton
- Britta Teckentrup
- C.S. Lewis
- Charlie Mackesy
- Cheryl Strayed
- Chez Gagne
- Claire Bidwell Smith
- Cleo Wade
- Coco Chocolatier
- Corinne Laan
- Created Mother
- Custom Bundle
- Dabble & Dollop
- Dana Shields
- Dani DiPirro
- David Foster Wallace
- Dawn Dais
- Detox Babe
- Dr. Morgan Cutlip
- Duncan & Stone Paper Co.
- Earth Harbor Naturals
- Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and David Kessler
- Em & Friends
- Emily Bingham
- Esther Perel
- Evolve Botanica
- Fat and the Moon
- Fatty Sundays
- Fire Brew
- Frieda Hoffman
- Fringe Studio
- Gabrielle Nancarrow
- Gavin Francis
- Gina L. Mulligan
- Gina Moffa
- Glennon Doyle
- Greg Wolfe
- Hannah Caner
- Happy Spritz
- Hearts Connected
- Heather Huhman
- Heather Stang
- Heilbron Herbs
- Helen Fitzgerald
- Hillary Frank
- Jancee Dunn
- Jen Sincero
- Jennifer Robertson
- Jenny Lawson
- Jessica Zucker
- Joan Didion
- JodiGolda
- Julie Sutherland
- Kate Bowler
- Kate Spencer
- Katherine May
- Kathleen Smith
- Katie Lear
- Kelly Wu
- Kimberly Ann Johnson
- Klei Beauty
- Korie Leigh
- Latika Beauty
- Laurie Kilmartin
- Le Bon Shoppe
- Leslie Gray Streeter
- Lillemer
- Lisa Bentley
- Lit Candle Supply
- Litsa Williams
- Little Larch
- Love You a Latte Shop
- Luxepets
- Lynn Rummel
- Maggie Smith
- Margaret Wise Brown
- Marisa Renee Lee
- Mary Larsen
- Mary Oliver
- Massimo Pigliucci
- Matt Haig
- Megan Devine
- Melanie Dale
- Mental Grief Plan
- Merissa Nathan Gerson
- Michelle Zauner
- Mickey Trescott
- Milk Bar
- Milk Moon
- Mindful and Co Kids
- Mirasol
- Miscarriage Hope Desk
- ModestMix Teas
- Monica Sweeney
- Moorea Seal
- Nap Ministry
- NCLA Beauty
- Nedra Glover Tawwab
- Nisha Zenoff
- Nneka M. Okona
- Nodpod
- Nora McInerny
- Oat Mama
- Old English Company
- Ooly
- Orchid Experience
- Partake
- Patchology
- Patrice Karst
- Patrice Kart
- Paul Denniston
- Paul Kalanithi
- Pema Chödrön
- People I've Loved
- Pinch Me Therapy Dough
- Placebos Mints
- Pooja Lakshmin, MD
- Promptly Journals
- Rachel J. Floyd
- Rebecca Soffer and Gabrielle Birkner
- RitualCravt
- Roots Up
- Rupi Kaur
- Sara Bader
- Sarah Knight
- Sasha Bates
- Scott Stuart
- Sharon Cooper
- Shelby Forsythia
- Sheryl Sandberg
- Simple Self
- Simply Gum
- Sophie Miller & Andy J. Pizza
- Spaghetti & Meatballs
- Speks
- Stephanie Sarazin
- Steve Leder
- Susan Cain
- Syeda Neary
- Taylor Elyse Morrison
- The Functional Chocolate Company
- The Good Patch
- The Miscarriage Doula
- Thich Nhat Hanh
- Thistle Farms
- Triple Moon Bath Co.
- Trubee
- W&P
- Whims
- Whispering Willow
- Wicked Soaps Co.
- Wild & Tea
- Wild Yonder Botanicals
- Wilder
- Wolfie's Wish
- Aesthete
- Alexandra Elle
- Alice Rose
- Amanda Davis
- Anecdote Candles
- Annie Sklaver Orenstein
- Barbara Becker
- Becca Rae Tucker
- Bex Gunn
- blade + bloom
- Blume
- Boobie
- Bravery Co.
- Britta Teckentrup
- Cheryl Strayed
- Chez Gagne
- Cleo Wade
- Created Mother
- Dabble & Dollop
- Dana Shields
- Dawn Dais
- Detox Babe
- Duncan & Stone Paper Co.
- Earth Harbor Naturals
- Em & Friends
- Emily Bingham
- Esther Perel
- Evolve Botanica
- Fat and the Moon
- Fatty Sundays
- Fire Brew
- Fringe Studio
- Gina L. Mulligan
- Gina Moffa
- Glennon Doyle
- Hannah Caner
- Happy Spritz
- Heather Huhman
- Heilbron Herbs
- Hillary Frank
- Jennifer Robertson
- Joan Didion
- Julie Sutherland
- Kate Bowler
- Kate Spencer
- Katherine May
- Kathleen Smith
- Katie Lear
- Kelly Wu
- Kimberly Ann Johnson
- Klei Beauty
- Latika Beauty
- Le Bon Shoppe
- Leslie Gray Streeter
- Lillemer
- Lit Candle Supply
- Litsa Williams
- Little Larch
- Love You a Latte Shop
- Maggie Smith
- Margaret Wise Brown
- Mary Oliver
- Melanie Dale
- Michelle Zauner
- Milk Bar
- Milk Moon
- Mindful and Co Kids
- Mirasol
- ModestMix Teas
- Moorea Seal
- NCLA Beauty
- Nedra Glover Tawwab
- Nisha Zenoff
- Nodpod
- Nora McInerny
- Oat Mama
- Partake
- People I've Loved
- Pinch Me Therapy Dough
- Placebos Mints
- Pooja Lakshmin, MD
- Promptly Journals
- Rebecca Soffer and Gabrielle Birkner
- RitualCravt
- Rupi Kaur
- Sara Bader
- Sarah Knight
- Shelby Forsythia
- Simple Self
- Simply Gum
- Spaghetti & Meatballs
- Stephanie Sarazin
- Susan Cain
- Syeda Neary
- The Good Patch
- The Miscarriage Doula
- Thistle Farms
- Triple Moon Bath Co.
- Trubee
- Whims
- Whispering Willow
- Wicked Soaps Co.
- Wild & Tea
- Wild Yonder Botanicals
- Wilder
- Wolfie's Wish
- Corinne Laan
- Leslie Gray Streeter
- Nneka M. Okona
- Partake
- Taylor Elyse Morrison
- Aesthete
- Anecdote Candles
- Borvo Broth
- Dana Shields
- Detox Babe
- Em & Friends
- Evolve Botanica
- Fat and the Moon
- Fringe Studio
- Happy Spritz
- Klei Beauty
- Lillemer
- Lit Candle Supply
- Milk Moon
- ModestMix Teas
- People I've Loved
- Simply Gum
- Thistle Farms
- Triple Moon Bath Co.
- Trubee
- W&P
- Whims
- Whispering Willow
- Wicked Soaps Co.
- Wild Yonder Botanicals
- Blue Q
- Borvo Broth
- Created Mother
- Duncan & Stone Paper Co.
- Em & Friends
- Evolve Botanica
- Happy Spritz
- Latika Beauty
- Little Larch
- ModestMix Teas
- Partake
- People I've Loved
- Pinch Me Therapy Dough
- Placebos Mints
- Thistle Farms
- W&P
- Whispering Willow
- Wild Yonder Botanicals
- Wolfie's Wish
- Aesthete
- Anecdote Candles
- Astor Chocolate Corp.
- blade + bloom
- Boobie
- Borvo Broth
- Chez Gagne
- Dabble & Dollop
- Earth Harbor Naturals
- Em & Friends
- Evolve Botanica
- Fat and the Moon
- Fatty Sundays
- Fire Brew
- Fringe Studio
- Happy Spritz
- Heilbron Herbs
- Latika Beauty
- Lillemer
- Lit Candle Supply
- Love You a Latte Shop
- Milk Bar
- Milk Moon
- NCLA Beauty
- Oat Mama
- Partake
- People I've Loved
- Pinch Me Therapy Dough
- Placebos Mints
- Simply Gum
- Spaghetti & Meatballs
- Thistle Farms
- Triple Moon Bath Co.
- Trubee
- Whispering Willow
- Wicked Soaps Co.
- Wild Yonder Botanicals