Sniffles, be gone! The Cold Kicker care package is packed with soothing, sinus-clearing, and soul-reviving essentials to help someone fight off the funk. A decongesting herbal tea, lavender bath bomb, and cozy cloud socks bring the comfort, while a vapor rub and sinus-opening shower mist tackle the stuffy struggle. Top it off with tea-infused eye gels to help them fake feeling human again and a pack of tissues - because sometimes, life just blows. Consider this cold kicked.
Calm Bath Bomb | Latika - lavender and peppermint bath bomb made with 100% pure essential oils for a relaxing bath experience.
*Cloud Socks - Plum | Le Bon Shoppe - Soft cozy plum terry socks for night and day. One size fits most.
Cold Kicker Herbal Tea | Wild & Tea - Blend of antimicrobial and decongestant herbs to help kick that cold quicker. 2 oz.
Perk Up Eye Gels | Patchology - Tea-infused aromatherapy eye gels will brighten under eyes and repair your mood in 10 minutes. 1 pair.
Soothe Breathe Balm | Wicked Soaps Co. - 100% natural vapor rub to soothe sinus and chest congestion, stuffiness, cough and headache. 2 oz.
Soothe Shower Mist | Wicked Soaps Co. - a sinus opening shower mist made with a blend of pure therapeutic grade essential oils and menthol crystals.
Tissue Holder - For those moments when life blows. 100% cotton, includes tissues.
Please note: we are out of stock of the Plum Cloud Socks, so these will be replaced with the same ones in Black.